A downloadable game

Buy Now$12.00 USD or more

Deal with drama, pass the test, doubt yourself, trust your friends, face down monsters, and SHINE.  


DISASTER/PEACE is a tabletop roleplaying game designed to emulate your favorite stories in the "Magical Girl" genre. The Characters of DISASTER/PEACE are teenagers in a world very much like our own. They go to school, get embroiled in teen drama, and try to find their place in the face of onrushing adult responsibility and societal expectation. They are also, through no fault of their own, the chosen guardians of a world which is under constant threat of destruction by twisted monsters, evil magic, and vengeful immortals from beyond our realm. They exist between these worlds, juggling their teenage feelings and responsibilities with the duty that has been thrust upon them.

These characters are trying their best.

But their best may not be good enough.

  • Build your characters with quick, customizable archetypes and upgradeable powers. 
  • Define your world with questions to spur discussion about themes and the source of your power.
  • Fight powerful villains like the Suite Arcana, a bevy of Tarot-themed baddies seeking to unleash the Empress upon our unsuspecting world.
  • Pick up the pieces with downtime actions which bring you closer to your team, or take it out on them to deal with your own growing darkness.
  • Shine bright, stop holding back, and Ascend to new levels of power just when it seems that all other lights must go out.

Forged in the Dark but adapted to fight darkness, DISASTER/PEACE runs on quick, d6 dicepool-based, fiction-first mechanics that prioritize the best parts of Magical Girl anime and manga (fighting evil by moonlight, and winning love by daylight?)  and cuts through fiddly planning and gets you and your friends right into the action. You'll be dealing with teenage drama, investigating mysteries, fighting evil, and saving the world in no time.

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Created for the  Release the Magic! A Queer Magical Girl Game Jam 

June 30th-July 31st 2021


Buy Now$12.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $12 USD. You will get access to the following files:

DisasterPEACE v1.1.pdf 3.5 MB
DisasterPEACE-CSheet.jpg 974 kB

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When the times are tough, you lean on your team. If you can't justify spending money on DISASTER/PEACE right now for whatever reason,  feel free to claim a community copy on us. Everyone who purchases DISASTER/PEACE above the listed price will add another copy to the pile. And if your circumstances change, and you purchase a copy after having claimed a community copy, let us know and we'll add another community copy for someone else to enjoy.

Because that's what heroes do.