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I completely missed the Kickstarter, but I’d love to pick up a physical copy. Is there a mailing list I should be on to get notified when they become available?

Absolutely! You can sign up for our mailing list here:
It's also a great idea to follow the Knave of Cups game store; we send official retail copies of our games to them before anywhere else:

Hey Drakes, wonderful game! Question: In the Albatross description it says it can accommodate a 7 slot spare bank upgrade... should it say 8 slot? And just to be clear, spare bank upgrade is the same as spare bank expansion, right? 

Howdy, Belter! Glad to hear you're getting on well enough to have questions about the biggest Beltin' Bird going. The Albatross can mount the largest Spares Bank available on the Belt, the 7-Slot Spares Bank (available at all reputable and less than reputable refit stations for 7 Cred).

Looking at the sheet, I'm seeing the confusion though. Each upgrade is indeed a mark on the Spare Bank Expansion category on the sheet. And we are looking at a weird number of bubbles on the bank itself. We'll get that sorted and polished once we're clear of space-plague. Play it as it lies for now, and we'll get it all ironed out.

Thanks for the extra eyes, Belter. This is why we're lucky to have y'all out there.


Thanks, good to know. Another point of confusion is that under goods and services the spares bank expansion 2 provides 8 slots for gear, grit and gas for 8 cred. I'll just go with 7 for now! Again, super cool game.


Hi Drakes.
A question about the void rat.  Does the vent rat ability still work if the ship is breaking up?  Should you re-roll if the destination threat area is on the other side of the break?

Yeah, Belter, turns out that Void Rat doesnt mean you get to walk in space for free. If the ships come apart and your rolled destination is drifting into the great beyond, you're not getting there without a spacewalk. Feel free to give the dice another shake and see where you end up otherwise.


Hello Chariot! 

Will there also be a way for those of us who accidentally misread the closing date of KS to order a physical copy similar to the kick starter?


I'm interested in this as well.

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm interested too.


Howdy Fox,

Sorry to hear we missed you for the campaign! As it stands we'll be taking care of printing and distribution for the Kickstarter. When that process is done and settled, we'll most likely be left with an overage of the physical zines to cover shipping mishaps and suchlike. Any of those leftover copies of the physical edition will be posted up here on Itch as available. Short answer is currently "no." But come fulfillment time, 'round May 2023? Resounding Yes.

Thanks Chariot!


Good to know! Just finally got to really get into the game and I absolutely adore it. Haven’t had solo rpg experiences this tense since Ironsworn was in early access! Will be keeping an eye out to snag one of the physical copies  :D

We'll be loud and proud when they're available, Belter. Glad to hear you're enjoying your time on the Gasping Frontier!

How do those of us who backed the KS access this?


Our email with all of the Kickstarter keys is awaiting admin approval through Hang tight. It's on its way.

Any updates on the email issue? Hoping to play for the first time this weekend (fingers crossed) :)

So much so that I was looking around to buy the older version which I see is no longer available.


Still waiting on the email from Admin, unfortunately. Glaring at our inbox like it owes us something is so far proving ineffective. I'm holding out hope that it's going to be rectified before too much longer, but on the off chance that there's no word, shoot us an email at ACoupleofDrakes (at) Outlook and we'll at least get you the ashcan version to tide you over.

Because this is frankly ridiculous, and y'all have been patient enough.

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